
Do you have a success story to tell that might encourage or assist others? 

Have you learned from your experience as a physically disabled employee and want to share your experience?

Are you a person with a physical disability who is self-employed? 

Are you an employer, or someone who works in a human resources capacity, who hires people with disabilities? 

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please consider participating in a research interview with the PROUD Project! Interviews take place on Microsoft Teams and last about one hour. The interviews are recorded (audio and/or video), and participants receive a gift card as a thank-you for participating. For more information, or to participate, please contact us or take a look at our consent forms:

A consent agreement is an important part of the research relationship.  These documents explain our research objectives and  outline how we strive to protect research participant  well-being and confidentiality during the interview and research process.